

Inspired from the cycles of human creativity and nature, this work explores the parallels between design, beauty, and the dynamic processes of life. By analyzing the intricate patterns and rhythms found in the natural world, aiming to create objects that are not only visually impactful, but also evoke with a sense of vitality and transience.

Through the use of abstract design elements inspired by the Lesser Flamingos' appearance, functions, and behavior, this work showcases how nature can inspire and inform the design process in powerful ways. The resulting objects invite the viewer and user to engage with them on a deeper level, discovering the hidden stories and processes that give them life and meaning.

This design celebrates the dynamic interplay between art, nature, and the creative process, highlighting the beauty and richness that emerges when we embrace the complexity and transience of the world around us.

Material teaset: Porcelain

Material saucer: Oak

Material low table: Oak, glass, granite